EDW Contracting
Since 1981 the EDW-engineers realised brand new and renovation projects for air - and watertreatment.
When building a new production factory, or when moving to an industrial zone, the management often decides to invest in a new and up-to-date waste water treatment plant.
Before starting the design and construction of the waste water treatment plant, the EDW-engineers advise their client in the design of the sewer system of the production sites.
When updating a production factory, the management often decides to renovate
or optimise the existing waste water treatment plant.
The EDW-engineers create an economic solution by maximising the use of existing
The EDW-environmental engineers think "recycling".
The EDW-engineers created cycles where the clarified water after a post-treatment with sandfiltration and UV is used in specific internal production applications.
Most water treatment processes generate sludge.
The EDW-engineers in close coöperation with the customers’ R&D-team realised
cycles where the sludge is used as secondary material in the production process.
The EDW-engineers realised cycles combining the air - and water treatment :
The oxygen in the waste air is used for oxidation processes of the biological
waste water treatment. The purified water is used to wash the waste air.