1. Pioneers develop the EDW-technology
Engineering De Wit nv./sa. was founded in 1981 by Hubert De Wit, civil
engineer mechanics.
EDW started as a 1-person-company, working with a dedicated group of
Uptil 1987 the core-business of EDW was the Coordination
of projects issued by the Belgian marine corps and the Flemish
After 1987 the market for public projects stagnated. EDW changed focus towards
the private industry.
In this pioneering era the technology of EDW was developed based on scientific
The biological WITOX-system proved the theory of Dr. Ir. Houtmeyers in the field
of selection of flocforming bacteria.
The FLOX-system proved that physical-chemical treatment by flotation is both
technical and economical sound : the surface needed is limited and the dirt is
separated on top of the flotation-reactor as a foam with 10% dry matter, thus
leading to a limited sludge treatment cost.
The first projects were realised in shared risk for both contractor and client
for the Japanese multinationals in Belgium who had a nose for where to buy
creativity, for production companies in the Western Region of Flanders' where
the environmental inspection was the most strict, and for shareholder Ravago,
who realised the importance of references for the further growth.
In this way Hubert De Wit introduced state-of-the-art technologies on the
Flemish market that even today prove to be the right choice for SME's.
The knowledge of process control introduced in 1988 by Mie De Wit, environmental
engineer, was essential to make a success of a few tougher projects.
Thanks to the cooperation of father and daughter the application field of the
EDW technology was extended.
2. Growth!
After 1993 the growth continued by engaging strongly specialised personnel.
The new company building, constructed in 1996, and the increased investment in
research&development, required a higher turn-over.
This was the occasion for the renewed coöperation between the 2 pioneers.
In order to realise a 2nd growth phase managing director Mie De Wit reorganised
the staff into 3 groups of polyvalent engineers : sales, construction and
process control.
The EDW-engineers had disposal over the EDW-digital library "the EDW-system"
where the growing know-how of the company was saved in calculation-, drawing-,
and text-files.
Research was performed in the EDW-lab (wastewater, processwater, analysis).
Following the EDW-HR-policy the EDW-engineers were carefully selected on
technicity as well as on personality, fit for the job.
This policy led to top-performances of the EDW-team anno 2002 :
- first successfull realisation of the manure treatment system for the biggest
veal production in Europe.
- construction of the aerobic wastewater treatment plant for the new factory of
Looza-Tropicana (Pepsico) in Zeebruges, Belgium.
- installation for the reuse of purified wastewater in the production department
of Johnson&Johnson in Beerse, Belgium.
- construction of a combined anaerobic-aerobic waste water treatment plant for
the production factory of French fries Eco-Frost e.o.
3. Sustainable use of EDW-know-how
The local crisis of 2003 forced EDW to re-evaluate the business-plan :
Less vulnerable for cyclical movement (lighter, more manoeuvrable structure),
more sustainable
3.1. EDW = Services
On the LOCAL market EDW is an organisation providing services, and giving
PRACTICAL and hands-on advice to existing and new customers.
Production process <--> Water treatment
EDW stays in pole position searching for and doing research on the feasability
of new technologies.
3.2. EDW = Consultancy
On the GLOBAL market EDW gives STRATEGICAL advice on Environmental, Energy and Water issues with focus on risk-management.